Monday, October 07, 2024

Sermon - Pentecost 20 - Mark 10:2-16


Our congregation has, for many years, observed an annual “life Sunday.”  Of course, we teach, as the Bible does, that life is precious and that from conception we are created in the image of God.  It’s a teaching that many reject today, an unpopular teaching in a culture of death where personal choice reigns supreme.

Perhaps, in a similar way, we need to start observing a “Marriage and Family Sunday.”   Our appointed readings today invite just such a thing. 

Jesus teaches us the importance of marriage, and warns against divorce and adultery.  He speaks this little axiomatic phrase, “What God has joined together, let man not separate” or “put asunder.”  And then he goes on to discuss children, indignant that the disciples tried to shoo the children away, and eager to give those little ones his blessing. 

Marriage and family are under duress in our culture.  But to some extent they always have been.  Adam and Eve didn’t even have the perfect marriage.  Adam failed to protect his wife from the lies of the serpent.  And Eve brought Adam into her sin by sharing the forbidden fruit.  Ever since then, all of Adam and Eve’s children have struggled with the effects of sin, yes, even in the family.  Even their own children saw it, when Cain murdered his brother Abel, and was sent into exile.

Today it’s not just divorce that troubles marriage, but marriage itself has been re-defined, and continues to evolve, at least in the minds of our unbelieving secular world.  No longer a life-long union of one man and one woman, no longer respected as holy and sacred as an institution established by God.  But more and more, marriage is seen as a self-serving, self-defined, completely customizable and entirely disposable human arrangement. 

No longer is it recognized that God makes us male and female, but now each person is free, we are told, to choose their orientation and their gender, in an ever swirling chaos of individual self-determination disconnected from nature, genetics, and reality.

But this is not just a sermon to make us feel good about how bad the culture is and how good we Christians are in contrast.  Sure, we must point out the depravity out there and reject it.  But let’s not pass over the depravity and sin in here, in each of our hearts, and expressed in our own sinful thoughts, words and deeds.  The truth is, we, too, dishonor marriage and family in many ways.  The truth is, we, too, must repent of our rejection and mismanagement of God’s gifts.

In Luther’s explanation to the 6th commandment he not only reminds us that we should lead a sexually pure and decent life in what we do and say, but also that husband and wife should love and honor each other.  There’s a tall order, if you think about it!

Married people almost certainly sin against each other more than they do against anyone else, just because you share your day to day life, and we sin so much.  We do not love our spouses as we should, in thought, word or deed.  We do things that hurt them, and we don’t do everything we should to help them. 

In terms of Ephesians 5:  Husbands fail in their God-given leadership role, and do not love our wives like Christ loves his bride the church.  We do not, as we should, lay down our life for her. 

And wives often fail in their God-given role as helper, sometimes disrespecting the husband.  Sometimes rather acting as usurper, taking the headship that belongs to the husband, refusing to submit as Holy Scripture teaches.

Thanks be to God, that all of us have the forgiveness of Christ won at the cross, a forgiveness deep enough to cover even the smoking rubble of a failed marriage.  A forgiveness wide enough to cover the multitude of sins we commit in this and every area of life.  Christ is, after all, the True Bridegroom, who purifies his bride the Church, and presents her to himself holy and blameless.

And it is in this forgiveness that we live, as Christian husbands and wives, and as Christian single people.  And it is this forgiveness that we share and freely apply to those who sin against us.

He gives us the earthly gift of marriage, which stands as a reminder of the heavenly reality of the blessed union between Christ and the Church, between God and his people, and of his all-surpassing love for us.

And then, it seems no accident that right after he deals with marriage, our Lord makes some comments about children.  For that is his design, that children are a fruit of the marital union.  The two become one flesh, in a most literal way, when God blesses them with a new life, fruitful and multiplying.

But not everyone welcomes children.  Today we see declining birth rates, which must represent, at least in part, a growing self-centeredness of our culture.  Rather than seeing children as a blessing from God, some see children as a hindrance to career and financial well-being, expensive and inconvenient obstacles to living life to the fullest.  We could not disagree more.

One of the greatest blessings in life is to welcome a child into your family, and to bring that child to Jesus.  That’s a huge part of what we are about at Messiah, and why we go to the trouble and expense of operating a Christian school.  We want to honor Jesus’ words to the fullest, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” 

We want children, our children, and all children, to hear the Word of God, to learn the Word of God, to believe the Word of God, and to always grow in the Word of God.  We want what is best for them, and nothing could be better than bringing them, through God’s word, to Jesus.

Jesus has a special place for children, and he commends them as examples of faith.  “whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a child cannot enter it.”  And so in a sense we must all become like children, we must receive the kingdom as children.  A child-like faith, trusting, as children trust their parents.  A child-like faith, which comes without pride and arrogance, but knowing nothing and ready to be taught.  A child-like faith which receives, gratefully, what the Father provides.

Just as marriage serves as a picture for us of heavenly realities, and of God’s love for his people – so too do children remind us that in Christ we are made children of God, and heirs of a heavenly kingdom. 

Therefore, Christians, let us honor marriage, and receive children with thanksgiving.  Let us hold up these precious gifts of God for the blessing they are – and for the greater blessings they reflect.  Husbands love your wives.  Wives love your husbands.  Children, honor your father and mother.  And parents, love your children by bringing them to Jesus.  He will bless them, and you. 

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