Friday, April 29, 2005

Hymn - “Lord Jesus In High Priestly Prayer”

“Lord Jesus In High Priestly Prayer”

Tune: O Grosser Gott
”O God of God, O Light of Light”
Hymn # 83 from Lutheran Worship
Based on John 17:1-11

Lord Jesus in high priestly prayer,
Who knew his death was drawing nigh
His cross to face, our sins to bear
Prayed to his Father, “Glorify!
For you have given all to me,
That I might give eternal life.
My work for you is now complete.
Hear, now, my prayer, O God on high.”

“Concerning those you gave to me,
They still are yours, your word they hear
They in the Son the Father see,
And Holy Father, you they fear.
I pray for them, remaining here,
Protect them in all that they do.
I pray for them, O Father, dear,
As I will soon return to you.”

“Protect them by your holy Name
Protect them with its pow’r of love,
That Name I bear, which is the same,
As soon I’ll reign with you above.
O make them one, as one are we
With truth and Spirit sanctify,
O grant to them true unity,
And by your Son be glorified!”

© Thomas E. Chryst, 2005.

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