Friday, April 29, 2005

Hymn - “Christ Jesus Lifted High”

“Christ Jesus Lifted High”

Tune: Vruechten
(“This Joyful Eastertide”
Hymn #140 from Lutheran Worship)
for Ascension Day

Christ Jesus lifted high,
His heav’nly throne assuming,
Now caught up in the sky,
His rightful place resuming.

Christ Jesus, glorified,
His work on Earth, thus ended,
Now reigns for us on high,
For Christ, our Lord ascended, ascended, ascended,
Praise now the Christ ascended.

Returned to God’s right hand,
Christ Jesus for us reigning,
True God, yet still true man,
Our crown of life retaining.


The Lamb who once was slain,
Alive again, victorious,
Redemption he obtained,
His cross the symbol glorious.


Until he comes again,
With all his hosts attending,
Our trust in him remains,
Our faith is never-ending.


© Thomas E. Chryst, 2005.

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