Monday, September 25, 2006

Back from Vacation

It's good to be back in the office again. Lots of catching up to do. Just thought I would throw out a few thoughts as I sort through my "stacks of stuff":

- Looking forward to using the new hymnal. Spent some time this morning paging through it, and I LIKE what I see. Favorite fun little improvement: The triangles that tell you when to stand for a doxological verse! (It's the little things that make me happy).

- I've been out of the loop for a while, so catching up still on the major news stories. But what's up with the pope? I see today a story about his continued amellioration of over-reactive muslims. What he said was in quotation of someone else, anyway! (Even though it was basically true). I find it ironic that critics of Islam receive death threats for simply pointing out Islam is not a "peaceful" religion.

- Rosie O'Donnel bashing Christians again. What a surprise.

- The Lord has called home a good and faithful servant in Dr. Kurt Marquardt. I've never had him as a professor, but always appreciated what he wrote and said.

- Somehow I missed "talk like a pirate day"! Drat.

- Lutheran Carnival 32 is up at Be Strong in the Grace. You find the link, I don't have time right now. Sorry.

- More updates to the Lutheran Blog Directory are coming soon. I have about half a dozen to make but need to get some stuff done around here first. So I better stop blogging too.

Hopefully that catches me up a little. Now, back to "the stack"!


  1. Welcome back dude! Looking forward to trading vacation stories with ya!

    I would agree that after burning churches and killing nuns, it is not Pope Benedict that needs to appologize!

    On a lighter note - What is a pirate's favorite restaurant? ARR-bies!

    Sorry, couldn't resist!

  2. You should walk the plank for that one.
