Monday, March 14, 2005

Hymn- "As the Crowd at City Gate"

“As the Crowd at City Gate"
Tune: Dix
Hymn # 75 from Lutheran Worship
(“As with Gladness Men of Old”)

As the Crowd at City Gate
Christ's arrival celebrate
Palms they wave and cloaks they lay
For the Lord to pass their way
We our glad Hosannas bring
David's Son and David's King

As the Mob yells, “crucify!”
Calling for the Christ to die,
Hateful anger fills their eyes
Lust for blood so fills their cry.
Sinners they and sinful we,
Sins He conquered at the tree.

As the Host Arrayed in White,
No more fear and no more night,
Sing their praise to God in heaven,
For the blessings Christ has giv'n
May we join their joyful strain,
To the Lamb who once was slain!

© Thomas E. Chryst, 2005.

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