Monday, April 16, 2018

Sermon - Easter 3 - Luke 24:36-49

Not a Ghost!
Luke 24:36-49

Jesus again appears to his bewildered disciples. He saw them in the upper room. He walked with two of them to Emmaus and revealed himself in the breaking of the bread. Those two ran back to Jerusalem and told the 11 what they had seen. They were talking about these things. Perhaps in the middle of telling the whole story, again, now, at least the third time, Jesus appears.

They were shocked... again. Trying to make sense of it all. Well, a resurrection doesn't make much sense. They are troubled. Doubts arose in their hearts. And they were also afraid – phobic, in the greek. Even though Jesus, alive and well, was standing in their midst. Even though their eyes told them – it's really him, he's really here! They literally couldn't believe their eyes. They thought he was a ghost.

The disciples were a superstitious lot.

This wasn't the first time they thought Jesus was a ghost. Remember when he walked on water late in the night – they freaked out. He had to assure them, “Fear not, it is I!” In their minds, the appearance of a ghost was more likely than a human being (even if he is the Son of God) walking on water. But this was Jesus – who turned water into wine, who fed thousands with scraps of food, who rebuked demons and fevers, even raised the dead. Why should they be surprised? Why should they think it was a ghost? Why shouldn't they believe?

But when you think about it, superstitions are pretty common among men. Unwarranted fears of spirits and spooks, things that go bump in the night – people of all times and places have been susceptible. They've dug up clay charms with good luck phrases written in Hebrew that ancient Jews used to hang around their homes. The Chinese culture is practically fixated on good luck and bad luck. Martin Luther grew up in a world full of superstitions. Even in our modern “enlightened” era – you don't have to look far to see people under the same influences. We just had a Friday the 13th 2 days ago. I bet you heard someone mentioning it, who was at least partly serious about it being bad luck.

Some would look at us Christians as pretty much the same – Superstitious. I know some do. They see our faith in Christ as no more solid than an imaginary friend or boogie man under the bed. They mock Christianity by parodying it with a flying spaghetti monster. And they say our prayers are useless. Our churchgoing is a waste of time. And the Bible is full of fairy tales and lies. Might as well throw some salt over your shoulder and knock on wood.

What superstition really is: looking for the spiritual, the mystical in all the wrong places. A lucky rabbit's foot? A golfer who always wears red on Sunday? Playing the lottery with the lucky numbers on your fortune cookie? We might laugh at those who turn to such things for tangible benefit or good luck – as if we're so much better, but we're not. Fear of evil spirits? Don't break a mirror, walk under a ladder, or do anything important on Friday the 13th? Anxieties about forces beyond your control, or perhaps, that even God himself is “out to get you” for some past sin or offense? Yes, we can even be superstitious about God himself, if we look for him to work where he hasn't promised to do so.

Imagining some message from heaven that God has laid upon your heart? A modern form of superstition. Seeing in the coincidences of life a message that God is sending you about some decision or action? Putting God to the test – if so and so happens, God, then I know that you mean such and such? Superstition.

Any ideas about the spirit world, the things that are unseen, that go beyond what God has revealed in his word are not to be trusted. We have no reason to believe – from God's word - that dead humans come back to haunt us. In fact it's just the opposite, “It is appointed for a man to die once and then the judgment”. We have no evidence for such a thing as luck – good or bad – or that doing anything can bring you good or bad luck. A Christian doesn't look to the constellations for his answers or listen to a palm reader to plot out his life. These things are all, at best, a distraction. They are, at worst, damnable lies of the devil. And yet every sinner has a tendency to fear, love and trust in other things – other gods – besides the true God.

What is sure and certain? The word of God. Jesus himself. Even my own heart and mind can fail me, lead me astray. But Christ never will.

And make no mistake: Jesus is no ghost. He is truly alive, and he goes on to prove it. Not that he needs to. Blessed are those, like you and me, who have not seen, and yet believe. But he proves it nonetheless. So that our faith is based on the word – the word of testimony. The eyewitness accounts of those who have seen him alive, and many of them died for their testimony. A famous unbeliever, Carl Sagan, once said, “Extraordinary claims, they say, require extraordinary evidence.” Well, Jesus gives it. St. John tells us he gave “many convincing proofs” that he was alive. Here in our text we see just a few examples.

He showed them his hands and his side. The wounds. The marks of nail and spear. You should check out how some of the artwork imagines these wounds must have looked – especially paintings of doubting Thomas. Somehow, even though Jesus was fully healed and restored to life, even though now in a glorified body, he still bears the marks of his death. He still retains the evidence of his crucifixion, his sacrifice. For him, it is to his glory and honor. And for us, it is an identifier of who he is. Even in John's vision of the heavenly throne room in the book of Revelation – he sees Jesus depicted as “a lamb who had been slain”. These wounds serve as a reminder of his great work of salvation for us. They show that it's not some imposter – but it's really Jesus! And that someone could live and breathe just fine with gaping wounds in hands and side – it is further evidence of the miracle of the resurrection.

But he goes further. They thought he was a ghost, but he answers that falsehood directly. Just has he answers Thomas' objection word for word. So also now, he says, “I'm not a spirit! I have a body! Look, does a spirit have flesh and bones? Does a spirit eat fish?” They touched him to see. Yes, he's really here, flesh and bone! And he ate broiled fish right in front of them. Sight, sound, touch, all confirmed – Jesus bodily risen from the dead.

You see, with God, the body matters! For too many Christians, even today, Jesus is only a spiritual savior, not also a bodily savior. That's part of the reason so many think of heaven only as a spiritual reality – that your spirit floats around with God forever. But they forget or haven't heard, or it's never emphasized what we confess in the creed every week – we believe in the resurrection of the body. That's our body! We have a bodily resurrection to come. If Jesus was only a spirit, then that's all we could look forward to. But Jesus is risen, bodily, and so too will we live forever in resurrected bodies. As Job said, “I know that my redeemer lives and that in the end he will stand (that means bodily) upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh (in a resurrected body) I will see God.” The body matters. Jesus saves the whole person – spirit and body.

And now that they have that settled, Jesus interprets all this for them. In fact, he interprets his entire work – his life, death and resurrection for them. He shows them this all happened in accord with the scriptures.
that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance for  the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed rin his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.  And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.

First, Jesus connects his death and resurrection with the message of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. This wasn't just some circus, or dog and pony show. Jesus didn't go to all this trouble for nothing. His death and resurrection are the foundation for, the basis of, repentance and forgiveness of sins.

Without the cross and the resurrection, sin still reigns, death is our master, and the devil the prince of this world. But with Jesus and his salvation accomplished – repentance and forgiveness become a reality. The world's sin is paid. Death is destroyed. And the devil's might unraveled. Men are called to turn away from sin, and turn to Christ in faith. Children of Adam, conceived in sin and soaked in sin's sewage are washed clean in the blood and baptism of the Second Adam. Buried with Christ, only to be raised with Christ. Repentance and forgiveness come, only through the crucified and risen Christ.

Second, this message is to be proclaimed – in Christ's name – beginning at Jerusalem. It is a message that cannot be kept under wraps. Unlike when Jesus, early on would heal a leper or cast out a demon and then strictly charge them to tell no one. Now, the witnesses of the resurrection are sent. That's what apostles are – sent ones – and it is on the foundation of their witness, their teaching of Christ, their writing of these gospels, their founding of churches, sealed with the blood of their martyrdom – that Christ builds his church. And he has done so – brick by living brick – built his one, holy, apostolic church down through the ages, to the ends of the earth. Beginning at Jerusalem, but ever marching on, even to here and now, even to you.

Finally, for this great task, he doesn't leave them on their own. He will, and very soon, send the Helper. The Promise of the Father. The One who clothes with power from on high – the Holy Spirit. They have that Spirit already, who works in the word and creates and sustains faith. He breathed it on them again with the power to forgive and retain sins. But soon, Pentecost, and he will give the Spirit yet again as the message of the risen Christ who forgives sins will go out to every corner of creation.

And one more thing. The same resurrected Jesus who comes to be physically present among his disciples, comes also into our midst today. The same Jesus who showed them his body – gives us his body and blood. The same Jesus who died and rose for the repentance and forgiveness of sinners, bids you to his altar in repentance to receive his forgiveness.

He's not here to prove it to you – for indeed, we receive him by faith. But he is here to comfort and strengthen you, to give you that same peace. The same Jesus who ate with his disciples now invites you to his meal, where he is both host and feast. So welcome to the Lord's table. Seek him where he promises to be for you – not in mystical superstitions, but in sacramental reality. Not in superstitions of your imagination, but in the certainty of his promise. Taste and see that the Lord is good. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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