Monday, October 23, 2017

Sermon - Pentecost 20 - Matthew 22:15-22

Matthew 22:15-22
“Render to Caesar, Render to God”

Here again another confrontation with his opponents, this time through intermediates.  They come with all sorts of false flattery, “Oh, Jesus, you're so great.  We know you teach the truth, and you don't care about appearances... tell us your great wisdom”.  But really they're trying again to trap him.  Either get him to endorse the Romans, a clearly unpopular position.  Or get him to speak against Roman taxes – and give them some ammunition to use against him.  See, Pilate, Jesus forbids people to pay taxes!  Actually, that was one of the false accusations they raised against him.  But he never said that. 

Instead we get this principle, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's.”  To render, that is, to hand over – to offer up – the provide – to Ceaser, and to God, respectively what each is due.  Let's consider each in turn.

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, Jesus commanded them.  Caesar, the Roman Emperor who reigned over them all.  Caesar, a godless pagan from another land far away – but who happened to have the biggest, baddest army and ruled them by force – whether they liked it or not.  And most of them did not.  Still, Jesus commands that Caesar, that wicked pagan, be given his due.  Render to Caesar what is Caesar's.

Today we have a different Caesar.  Actually, we have many caesars in our lives.  But the principle still holds. Christ's word stands forever. The names and positions change, but we still stand under earthly authorities. So how do we apply this word to ourselves, today?

Lutherans have contributed a framework of teaching which we call the Doctrine of Two Kingdoms.  By this, we mean that God rules the world, in all spheres of life, but in different ways depending on the context.  In the church, and by his Gospel, we have what we call the “Right Hand Kingdom”.  Here, he forgives sins, gives spiritual blessings, promises and the like.  Here, he rules simply by means of his word, and especially the Gospel of Jesus Christ, crucified for sinners.  The right hand kingdom isn't the church per se, but it is how God primarily operates in this context.
On the other hand, that is, the Left hand – we have another kingdom.  The Left Hand Kingdom is the kingdom of the world – or the secular arena.  Here, God is still God, though he isn't always or often recognized as such.  But in all secular authority we recognize the authority of God – working for the good of all people.  In the Left Hand kingdom, God rules by power of the sword – ultimately, for instance, if you go up against worldly authorities, you can be put to death.  If you don't pay your taxes, well, just wait and see what happens to you.  Police and Lawyers, Politicians and Officials, Bosses and even Parents – all exercise a Left Hand kingdom authority in our world.  And all of this, designed by God, for our good.

The Fourth Commandment teaches us to honor and obey these rightful authorities.  And while not without limit, for we must always obey God rather than man.  But still, this doesn't put Christians above the law, if anything, we have more reason than the heathen to follow the law, honor our leaders, and submit to authority. 

So, what do we owe to Caesar, and what do we owe to God?

Paul answers the question for us in Romans 13, springboard off of Jesus in the main New Testament passage foundational to our understanding of the Left Hand kingdom: 

“Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.”

So taxes are not theft.  I sometimes hear politically conservative Christians say such things, and it's just not scriptural.  Now, Christians are free to argue – and certainly many do – about just what is the best and most fair tax policy, and how the government ought to spend it.  But at the end of the day, we need to recognize what Scripture teaches, that the government is instituted by God for our good, and to pay our taxes, follow the rules, and honor the authorities in all ways God has placed them over us.

Likewise, we ought to pray for our president and other leaders, whether they have a D or an R behind their name.  We ought to see them even as a gift from God, a servant of the most high.  For this too, we are instructed by the inspired word of God: 

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Do you joyfully obey and honor the authorities because Jesus has told you to do so?  Do you pray for them and give thanks for them, because Scripture teaches us to do so?  Clearly when it comes to the Left Hand Kingdom, we have much to confess.  We fail in many ways – either through a rebellious spirit, or outright disobedience, or by failing to honor the gifts of authority God has given us. 

But what if that authority isn't so good?  Even an wicked authority like Caesar – Jesus still wants us to honor.  Any human authority is going to be imperfect, every office and position held by a sinner.  Yet we are no better, and the call to “render unto Caesar” convicts us all the same.

But what about “rendering unto God what is God's”?  That's the second part of Jesus' little saying here, the other side of the coin.  What does he mean “Render unto God what is God's?”  What is God's?  For starters, we might say “everything is God's”.  It all belongs to him.  Our whole lives are from him and we owe to him.  So first, perhaps, a recognition of God as Creator – who has given me my body and soul, eyes ears and all my members, my reason and all my senses. 

Render unto God what is God's must then also imply: follow his commands.  And this, far harder than following the laws of the Left Hand kingdom worldly authorities.  Here, the law leaves us no corner of escape.  Love God with ALL your heart, and your neighbor as yourself.  Render to God what is God's – how can we even begin?

It starts with repentance.  The sacrifices God desires are a broken and contrite heart.  If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves... but if we confess our sins, God who is faithful and just, will forgive our sins.  God wants holiness, in fact he demands it.  But he also knows we fall far short of it.  And so in his mercy he provides the way of grace, the way of repentance and faith, the way of Christ.

Render unto God what is God's.  What God wills most from the sinner is not sham good works, or feeble attempts – do your best and that's good enough.  He wants repentance and faith.  We wants to give you gifts.  He wants to render unto you that which is his – his highest and his best – even his only begotten son.  Jesus, who rendered back to God a perfect life of obedience, and gives us the credit for it.  Jesus, who rendered himself as a sacrifice for all sin, and for your sin.  Jesus who rendered to God the only price dear enough to pay the debt of sin we owe.  The only sacrifice of a spotless lamb that could take away the sins of the world.

Render unto God what is God's.  Jesus did.  For you, all there is left is to believe.  This is what we owe to God – our trust and faith in him through his Son, by the power of his Holy Spirit. 

So, with his Left Hand kingdom, God rewards the good and punishes the wrongdoer.  But on the other hand, the Gospel forgives freely without respect to person.

Two kingdoms.  Two hands of God.  Both for our good.

On the one hand, God generally protects you from bodily harm due to crime and war and the evil deeds of men.  But on the other hand, he rescues you, body and soul from death, even for eternity.

On the one hand, God sends his authorities to rule over you and your neighbor to keep evil from getting too far out of hand.  But on the other hand God destroys sin, death and hell by Christ's saving work for us.

On the one hand, God works through delegated authorities to protect and punish – in accord with the natural law he's written on men's hearts.  But on the other hand, God works through delegated authorities to proclaim the revealed word of law and gospel that no man could know apart from the Spirit.

On this hand, there is the sword, coercion and force.  On the other hand, there is the gracious, loving invitation of the Gospel.  And while we can't call ourselves to faith, we are free to reject.  He doesn't force you to believe at gunpoint.  But he does call, gather and enlighten you, along with his church, to receive the blessings of Christ.

And so God works with both hands – his right and his left – all for the good of the people whom he loves.  He brings both justice and mercy, both punishments and grace, both death and life – according to the means he has appointed. 

But the best thing about the 2 – handed God, is that he's right handed!  Thanks be to God, who gives us all good things, through his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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