Sunday, June 24, 2012

Announcement of Divine Call

I read the following letter to my congregation this morning.  I post it here for the information of all, likewise asking for your prayers during my deliberation.

My Dear Friends in Christ at Grace Lutheran, Racine,
I have received a divine call through the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod's Board for International Mission to serve as a Strategic Mission Developer in the South Asia region.
Some of the details are unclear at this point, but I would either be serving as a theological educator in Indonesia or a church-planter in Singapore . In any case, there's plenty of work to do in this region of the world, where Lutheranism faces great challenges and opportunities.
Over the next few weeks I will be prayerfully deliberating the call. Please keep me and my family in your prayers as we seek to discern how (and where) to best serve God in His kingdom.
We'll also be attending a “New Missionary Orientation” in St. Louis for the next 2 weeks. This will give us lots of information should I accept the call to serve as missionary, but is not a guarantee or commitment that I will do so.
I plan to announce my final decision to either accept or decline this call on Sunday, July 29th.
We welcome any questions you have about the process, the possibilities, and the details of the opportunity which is before us. But most of all we ask your prayers for us – that God would grant us wisdom toward our decision, and peace with whatever the outcome may be.