Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thanks, Friends

Scott Diekmann, an internet friend and fellow Lutheran blogger, recently posted a nice little piece thanking his friends (real and "virtual"). Thanks, Scott, for giving me the idea.

Here are some of the other friends I'd like to thank:

My wife, who keeps me humble and balances me out in so many ways - and is way more awesome than she'll ever realize.

Pastor Jim Roemke, who has become one of my best friends and always gets me to laugh.

Pastor Randal Poppe, for being an awesome partner in the Ministry, and being the "brake" to my "gas pedal". We're so different, but our theology is the same and that makes all the difference.

Along that line, everyone at Grace Lutheran Church, Racine - an absolutely awesome congregation - supportive of her pastors, hungry for the Word of God, not perfect - but growing in wisdom and the fear of the Lord all the time.

Jim Pierce of letting me virtually cry on his shoulder late one night when I was thinking of quitting.

Issues Etc. for just total awesomeness

obviously I can't thank everyone who I should so I'll just stop there...

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