Monday, March 02, 2009

A Mime Passion?

A local ELCA church here in Racine hosted a traveling troupe of youth group performers, who re-enact the passion of Christ through mime.

Is there something about this that takes away from the word? Especially when this is done in place of the sermon?

I'm not against passion plays and such, and I suppose you could even do it respectfully and artistically without dialogue. But in church on the First Sunday in Lent?


  1. Did they actually kill the mimes at the end?

    That's the way I would be tempted to act.

  2. I seem to remember something about "Faith comes by hearing".

  3. “Is there something about this that takes away from the word?”

    As someone who has actually participated in just such an event, there is something very wrong with this. The youth group that I was in did just such an event that at the end of the day was only entertainment for the congregation and not for their edification. My little group was very proud of our work that we could “do” the worship service just like our pastor but the way we wanted to. I wish there was someone like revalkorn to teach us that "Faith comes by hearing" and not by skits done by people acting like clowns. Sadly, that was the norm at my first church…

  4. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Fools for Christ or just Fools?

  5. Eeeeuuww. Mimes. ::shudder:: When attendance is down, send in the clowns.
