Friday, June 06, 2008

The Cluttered Thoughts of a Pastoral Mind

Vacation is coming soon, and I am looking forward to it. I've had a lot on my mind lately... here's a little of it:

"Doctrinally pure tracts, hymnbooks and..." Vacation Bible School materials? Yes, I am a CPH snob when it comes to VBS programs. I used to be of the mind that we could judiciously use non-denominational VBS stuff from Group Publishing. But we found out the hard way that even when the simple daily themes were innocuous and biblical, there was always a way to sneak in decision-theology. I recall watching a promo video (after we were well into our Group VBS) in which they touted how many children "asked Jesus into their hearts" after this spectacular week of VBS.

Why don't people participate at funerals? I think there are lots of answers for this - but it still frustrates me and disappoints me greatly. What a dishonor to the Lord and to the deceased loved one.

I had a great Facebook chat with a friend the other day - in which I was able to do what a pastor does - counsel, exhort, and maybe not formally absolve but at least remind my friend of the forgiveness of sins in Christ. I continue to pray for this person as they work through it all.

A fellow pastor told me at the spring conference, that one of his parishioners said something like this: "Pastor, with this new thing called a chasuble... you know, I don't know if I like it. It makes it seem like something really important is going on up there!" Uh... ya think?

I will be going to Baltimore, MD (where I was born and raised) for a couple of weeks vacation. We will also jog up to the Greenwich, CT are (wife's home town) for a bit. Looking forward to seeing family and friends, eating good seafood, and observing the inevitable changes in my old stomping grounds. Also we will spend a couple days at the beach - Ocean City, MD.

I'll still be around the net for sure. Never too far from cyberspace.

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