Wednesday, April 09, 2008

SWD UNANIMOUSLY Resolves to Support Issues Etc.!

The South Wisconsin District Pastors Conference just passed the following resolution UNANIMOUSLY by voice vote.

Resolution for South Wisconsin District Pastoral Conference
April 1-9 2008

Whereas: Issues Etc. weekday and national Sunday night show was cancelled on Tuesday March 18th; and

Whereas: Issues Etc. averaged around 250,000 podcast downloads each month making it easily the highest listened to program on KFUO; and

Whereas This was a divers and word wide audience, thus presenting “critical events” every day; and

Whereas This cancellation was abruptly done and not allowing the congregations that supported the National show to give fair warning to the stations carrying the show; and

Whereas This potentially left congregations paying for unused airtime due to contracts with local affiliates; and

Whereas We should desire that all things be done civilly and carefully so that no congregations be negatively affected by this action; and

Whereas This could have been done by giving the Rev. Todd Wilken and Jeff Schwarz two month notification of the cancellation of their employment and the Issues Etc. program, would have allowedd them time to communicate with supportive congregations and national affiliates enabling them to work buy outs of contracts or cancellation of programming; and

Whereas This sheds a negative light on the LCMS nationally and those involved with local stations carrying the program; Therefore be it

Resolved that the South Wisconsin District Pastoral Conference Spring 2008 express with a united voice their displeasure with tboth the cancellation of the program and the way it was handled. And that every effort be made to resotre the Rev. Todd Wilken, Jeff Schwarz, and Issues Etc. program; and be it further

Resolved that the South Wisconsin District Pastoral Conference Spring 2008 request president John Wille to express its concerns with the COP, the Synod's Board of Directors, the Board of Communication Services and President Gerald Kieschnick; and be it finally

Resolved that we pray for and support the Rev. Todd Wilken, Jeff Schwarz and their families and all parties involved and that a God-pleasing and peaceful conclusion be reached.


  1. Anonymous1:39 PM


  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    good job brothers! being that we in the SID have a leader of Jesus First, I knew we wouldn't be unanimous... but we were very close.

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

