Sunday, July 15, 2007

Preconvention Report - Overheard Conversations

Well here I am in the hotel lobby, too cheap to pay the $10/day in-room internet fee. At least it's free here. As promised, an update from the convention so far.

Official business, and the "big" elections begin today. I'm sure I will post about that later today.

Yesterday was: open floor committee meetings (which I did not attend), all delegate orientation (which was prety much the same as last year), opening worship, and the all-delegate meal.

But so far the most notable things that have happened have been conversations I have overheard.

One, in the shuttle on the way from the airport, included a conference attendee who came only to speak to the floor committee. He was a PCA (conservative Presbyterian) military chaplin who was lobbying for the LCMS to pass a resolution decrying women in combat roles. We had an overture to that effect which the floor committee had declined - saying the issue had been adequetely covered in a 13 year old Lutheran Witness article (which was really a point-counterpoint type of piece). I hope he swayed the floor committee to put the issue back on the docket, so the LCMS can take an official stand on this, as many other conservative denominaitons have done.

The other interesting conversation I overheard was at the delegate orientation session. Right behind me sat two older gentlemen who got to talking about the choices in the presidential election. One said something like this: "Yeah, I read all the stuff and studied the candidates. I even watched that DVD about Wohlrabe. I agree with a lot of what he said there, but... he said something against contemporary worship, and my congregation HAS contemporary worship, so I can't vote for him..." Too bad, because I do think Wohlrabe is the man we should elect.

The general sentiment around here seems to be that Kieschnick will be reelected handily. We shall see.

Finally I have had the chance to re-connect with a number of old friends and acquaintences, and meet some new ones. I pray the convention will go well, but even if not, God will continue to bless His church in Jesus Christ.

Until later...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    It is too bad that delegates don"t vote by their convections.
