Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Suggestion for Synodical Nominations

Fellow LCMS'ers...

Our congregation just received our nomination forms for the offices of Synodical President and Vice-Presidents. I am assuming many of you received yours too, or will shortly.

I would like to suggest a nominee for your consideration:

Rev. Paul T. McCain.

Now that Paul's time as Interim President of Concordia Publishing House has come to a close, I honestly don't know what he is doing next. What I do know about his service there at CPH was that I was personally impressed with the work he did.

  • Under his watch, there was a marked improvement of overall quality resources, especially noting the publication of the "Concordia: Reader's edition."
  • It was also under Paul's guidance that CPH was able to not only run in the black, but earn such great profits that seven figure checks were cut, returning funds to the work of the synod as a whole. This type of leadership could be a real boon for the synod as a whole during times of tight budgets and shrinking funds.
  • Don't forget that prior to his work at CPH, Paul served as assitant to the late synodical president Al Barry. So he has great experience with the workings of the synod.
  • Anyone who has read his writing knows that he is always balanced between a firm and faithful Lutheran concern on the one hand, but he also knows well when to hold his tongue. I have never heard or seen from him the kind of acerbic comments that sometimes emmanate from Lutherans who are concerned about our synod. Paul seems to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4).
Paul would be a credit to the office, and bring great resources to a task which may be one of the toughest jobs in the world. I encourage you and your congregation to nominate Paul T. McCain for the offices of Synodical President and First Vice-President.

(And it doesn't hurt that he also runs a fine Lutheran blog - Cyberbrethren)