Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Junk Mail

I got one of those massive brochures in the mail today - advertising some "Church Leadership Conference". Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Lee Strobel, all the usual suspects.

I looked through this poster-size booklet and found God mentioned about 3 or 4 times, and Jesus by name only ONCE! (And even then, it was theology of glory). But all the church marketing buzzwords were used quite freely, and the famous speakers were pictured prominently along with their impressive credentials. All this for only $435!

What a joke.

1 comment:

  1. Why on earth do we need Jesus or His crucifixion when we have PROGRAMS! and CONFERENCES!
    This is just so typical of the Evangelical camp, and yet despite a total lack of Christ, people flock to it like lemmings to the edge of the cliff.
