Saturday, June 03, 2006

Confirmation Day 1985

Pentecost Sunday, (Whitsunday), in the Year of our Lord 1985. The short one on the left with the bad haircut is yours truly. The fine pastor who confirmed this youngster is the Rev. Walter Schoenfuhs, of St. James Lutheran Church in Overlea, Maryland.

As we confirm 8 young people at Grace Lutheran in Racine, Wisconsin tomorrow, I pray the Lord will keep them in their baptismal faith. And perhaps, someday, post an embarassing picture like this one in fond reminiscence.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:43 PM

    As the son of that "fine pastor" who confirmed you, I thank you for including my Dad's picture on your blog. I'm Walt Schoenfuhs (Jr.) - a pastor in Chicago. My email is
