Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Hymn - "O Father, Where's the Lamb?"

“O Father, Where’s the Lamb?”
Based on Genesis 22:1-18
Tune: Was frag' ich nach der Welt
(LW #418
What Is the World to Me )

“O Father, Where’s the Lamb?”
The wood and fire are yonder,
A sacrifice at hand,
young Issac, left to ponder.
And so said Abraham,
Who on the Lord relied,
In answer to his Son,
“The Lamb, God will provide.”

Upon the altar then,
The son his father tying,
In faith, perhaps with tears,
The boy would soon be dying.
But then there came a voice,
While raising high the knife,
“O Abraham be still,
And do not take his life!”

How great a mystery,
We see on mount Moriah,
Foreshadowing much more,
Foretelling our Messiah,
The one who takes our place,
Upon the wretched cross,
Who suffers all God’s wrath;
Our gain is through his loss.

Yes, Christ, the Lamb of God,
The One the Lord provided,
Has by his blood atoned,
For sin that had divided,
Us from our Father-God.
His suff'ring calmed the strife.
His death destroys our death.
His life delivers life!

© Thomas E. Chryst, 2006

1 comment:

  1. I use to fancy myself as a composer,when our family was with the ELCA. When Our Savior's here in Topeka created their contemporay Hynmal they even published one of my songs in it. We also recorded a few of them in a studio on a CD. My lyrics are scriptural also but the church I attend now has no place for them.We have High Church and Pastor Goetz is the composer on his organ and bells. Like the Blind man that God gave sight to, He has helped me to see that even though Pastors are suppose to be at church to help me find a way to be of service, sometimes their just at church finding a way to use their own talents. It's that way for me at Preschool too, as the teacher I'm there to help my 16 students to aquire the skills they need through experiance and involvement. Sometimes I forget to involve them in the process and want to do things for them but their talent doesn't get used if I just let them watch me or set and listen to me. For example if I cut their art project , the small muscles of the child's hand doesn't get any stronger. I hope you will let other people sing your songs with you Pastor I see you have them copy written, are they published in the New Lutheran Hymnal ?
