Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Banner Brouhaha

One of the LCMS signers of the "Clergy Letter Project" has come to my attention again.

Rev. Robert L. Barker appeared in my sitemeter listing of search terms. Upon a little digging, I came across this publication of a pro-homosexual group. Read the story, then take a close look at the picture on banner on the right of the story (and the caption). Note who took it, who submitted it, and who is responsible for the banner.

I hope this means that Rev. Barker is no longer serving a congregation.


According to President Hoesman of the Michigan District, Rev. Barker is on Emeritus status and no longer serving a congregation. Also, Rev. Hoesman assures me both these matters are being addressed. I am quite satisfied with this response.


  1. Tom,
    Looks like this guy has been "outed" so to speak. Very sad and depressing! Can anything be done about this guy by Synod? More importantly, WILL anything be done about this guy?

  2. I have sent an email to President Hoesman of the Michigan District, asking what the status is.

  3. I actually had to look at this sign. I attend Central Michigan and was present at the talk that took place at the Lutheran Church. Apparently this guy doesn't serve a congregation is what I think I heard. I believe I heard his conversation removed him and he just kinda makes things hard for people. Clare is the next city up from us which is why he would have been involved. It was a crazy time here on campus for us anyways. I was quite surprised when I saw this, I knew I had seen that sign somewhere.

  4. Here's another article on the actual presentation. Including another comment by Barker. Bear in mind I'm not sure what Barker knows we are a student organization and not everything is always planned and that the true message of the speaker was very valuable to everyone.


    Don't want to make too much of a deal since it is old news as well.

  5. My wife and I attended and graduated from CMU. We were married in the Chapel. In our day (15+ years ago) the big, on-going controversy? Homosexuality. Where did it come from? The Wesley foundation. The target at that point was mostly ROTC (of which I am also a graduate.) But it sounds like they're still beating the same dead horse.
