Saturday, November 05, 2005

Reformation Quiz

Thanks to Amor et Labor for this interesting quiz. What follows are my answers...

Put an E next to those issues (whatever your position) for which you would Die.
Put a BE next to those items for which you would Divide.
Put an A next to those items that are okay to disagree about.
Add other issues to the list as necessary. Post on your blog and let me know.

Trinity E
Divinity of Jesus E
Literal Resurrection E
Full Humanity of Jesus E
Nature of the Lords Supper E
Common Cup A
Justification E
Sanctification E
Intinction A
Disposable Cups at Communion A
Nature of Baptism E
Age of Baptism E
Mode of Baptism (sprinkling or dunking) A
Necessity of Holy Spirit Baptism E
Ordination of Women E
Ordination of Homosexual people E
Sacramental Marriage E (DEFINE)
Virgin birth E
Perpetual virginity of Mary A
Authority of Scripture E
Authority of Tradition E
Inerrancy of Scripture E
Use of Images in worship BE (HOW?)
Contemporary music in worship A (DEFINE)
Specific translation of Scripture A (DEPENDS)
Baptismal Regeneration E
Decisional Regeneration E
Supralapsarianism/Infralapsariansim (order of decrees) ???
Human nature after the Fall E
Nature of the Atonement E
One Person, two Natures E
The Filioque BE
Church Membership for Practicing Homosexual people E
Rapture E
Millennium E
Primacy of the Word E
Beer BE
Dancing BE
Playing Cards BE
Swearing BE (DEFINE)
Premarital Sex E
Postmarital Sex E (?)
Healing continues E
Tongues continue E
Literal Hell E
Literal Devil E
Apocrypha (inclusion in Canon) BE
James (inclusion in Canon) BE
Revelation (inclusion in Canon) BE
Private Confession E (DEPENDS)
Burial versus Cremation A
Divorce E
Entire Sanctification E (WE CAN'T)

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