Monday, October 31, 2005

Christmas Hymn - “Treasured By the Virgin Mary”

“Treasured By the Virgin Mary”
Tune: "Guide Me"
(TLH #54 “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”)

Treasured by the Virgin Mary,
Christ Our Lord’s nativity,
Pondered in her heart the story,
Jesus born for you and me,
What a treasure!
God of Heaven born that day.

He was born in humble stature,
We in waters are reborn.
Once he drowns our sinful nature,
We are his forevermore.
Infant Holy,
Making new each child of God.

Swaddling blankets, wrapped by Mary,
Held the child of Bethlehem,
Later wrapped in cloth to bury,
When they executed him,
Born to offer,
His life for the life of man.

Mary's first-born, son of promise,
Also first-born of the dead,
In the wine gives blood shed for us,
Risen body under bread,
Holy Supper,
Feeding and Forgiving all.

Ponder we, the infant Savior,
Treasure of a priceless worth,
In his swaddling love to keep us,
In his life we find rebirth,
From the Manger,
To the Cross and Empty Tomb.

Copyright Thomas E. Chryst, 2005

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