Monday, August 01, 2005

Hymn - "Lord Jesus Walked Upon the Waves"

"Lord Jesus Walked Upon the Waves"
Tune: Steht auf, ihr Lieben Kinderlein ("How Blessed Is this Place, O Lord" -LW# 327 Based on Matthew 14:22-33 

Lord Jesus walked upon the waves, 
While fear shook the disciples’ nave, 
“A ghost, a ghost!” the twelve did cry, 
“Fear not,” he said, “For it is I!” 
Then Peter spoke, “Lord if it’s true, 
Then bid that I should come to you,” 
The Lord said, “Come”, and Peter went- 
Out of the boat made his descent. 

His walk was sure, so short a time, 
For Peter saw the wind was high, 
He sank beneath the pounding wave, 
And cried for Jesus Christ to save. 

A strong hand then pulled Peter out, 
A question then, “why did you doubt?” 
“Oh you of little faith” said he, 
His message, simply “trust in me”. 

Lord at the cross you calm the wind, 
You still the storm of all our sin, 
And by your blood you quell our fears, 
Your scarred hand wipes away our tears. 

Lord when beset by wind and storm, 
We pray deliver us from harm,
When in the sea we’re sinking down, 
O pull us up, let us not drown. 

That we would walk by faith alone, 
Remind us that we are your own. 
Increase our faith and trust in you, 
Where’er we walk, whate’er we do.

 © Thomas E. Chryst, 2005.

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