Friday, July 15, 2005

Hymn - "Predestined, Oh, What Comfort Here"

Predestined, Oh, What Comfort Here
Tune: O Jesu Christe, Wahres Licht
(Hymn # 314 from Lutheran Worship
“O Christ, Our Light, O Radiance True”)
Based on Romans 8:28-30

Predestined, oh, what comfort here,
To know you Lord, who calms our fear,
Who works for good for all who love,
Him who reigns, thron’d, in heav’n above.

Called by your Spirit, in your word,
There in our hearts, true faith is stirred.
Make us like Christ; our lives conform.
Sanctify, strengthen and reform.

Justified by the blood of Christ
What precious treasure, pearl of price.
There at the cross, your love complete.
There in your son, we are redeemed.

Glorified, yet, with glory to come,
When, in your time, we reach our home.
When heaven’s gates are opened wide,
With you forever, to reside.

© Thomas E. Chryst, 2005.

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