Saturday, July 23, 2005

Hymn - "In Christ, The Love of God Is Sure"

In Christ, The Love Of God Is Sure
Tune: Magdalen
(“My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less”
Hymn # 368 from Lutheran Worship)
Based on Romans 8:35-39

In Christ, the Love of God is sure,
In Christ, we ever rest secure,
Though facing death the whole day long,
We sing the conqueror’s vict’ry song:
In Christ the love of God is found,
In Christ, to God we’re ever bound.

No trouble sore, no hardship drear,
No persecution need we fear,
No peril, famine, want nor sword,
Can sever us from Christ our Lord,
In Christ the Love of God we know,
That love which conquers every foe.

Not life nor death, nor spirit pow’rs
Not present times nor future hours,
No lowly depth nor airy height,
No threat brought on by earthly might,
Nor other thing in all the world
Can break God’s love in Christ our Lord.

© Thomas E. Chryst, 2005.

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