Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Hymn - “Our Teaching, Healing, Lord”

“Our Teaching, Healing, Lord”
Tune: St. Michael
(“The Man is Ever Blessed”
Hymn # 388 from Lutheran Worship)
based on Matthew 9:35-10:8

Our teaching, healing, Lord,
With such good news to share,
By word and deed compassion showed,
You proved how much you care.

“How helpless and harassed
How shepherd-less the sheep,
The harvest great, the workers few,
I send you now to reap.”

“To heal those with disease,
Authority I give-
To Cast out demons, cleanse the ill,
To make the dead to live”

“But more than all of this,
Go preach into their ear,
The good news that I bring to all-
Heav’n’s kingdom is come near”

In you the kingdom comes,
In your cross we are healed,
In empty tomb your powr’ shown forth,
Authority revealed.

For your dear shepherds, Lord,
And for their message, true,
We thank and praise your holy name,
All glory be to you.

© Thomas E. Chryst, 2005.

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