Monday, May 23, 2005

Hymn - "O Lord, Our Great Physician"

O Lord, Our Great Physician
Tune: Munich
(“I Lay My sins on Jesus”, LW Hymn # 366)
Based on Matthew 9:9-13

O Lord, our Great Physician,
O Healer of our race,
You call men to contrition,
To save them by your grace.
You came to bring your healing,
To those diseased by sin,
Your blood the balm of blessing,
The sin-sick soul to win.

You called the tax collector,
A publican by trade,
A Jew but a defector,
Now your disciple made.
He sought to gain taxation,
To earn his earthly fee.
You brought your medication,
Your riches set him free.

The Pharisees offended,
That sinners you received,
Your grace not comprehended,
Your mercy not believed.
But Healing God of Heaven,
Our only sacrifice,
To us true health you’ve given,
Your death and life suffice.

O Lord, our Great Physician,
O Healer of our race,
You call men to contrition,
To save them by your grace.
You ate with sinners lowly,
Now bless us with your Meal,
Your blood and body holy,
Our suffering souls to heal.

© Thomas E. Chryst, 2005.

1 comment:

  1. Nice hymn as well the one down below. Hymn writing is ver difficult art. You have made ancie start, I think. Keep at it.
