Friday, April 08, 2005

Hymn - "The Road to Emmaus"

“The Road to Emmaus”
Tune: Walther
(Hymn # 138, "He's Risen, He's Risen" from Lutheran Worship)

The road to Emmaus Christ Jesus now walks,
Along with those disciples the Risen Lord talks.
“Where have you been, stranger, oh have you not heard?
For Jesus they killed, He who brought us God’s word.”

“A powerful prophet, in word and in deed,
We hoped he was the one who would Israel redeem,
But chief priests and elders, they handed him o’er,
Oh stranger, this happened, just three days before.”

“But early this morning, the women, they say,
That Jesus’ tomb was empty, and we are amazed,
For angels they saw, and to our great surprise,
The angels proclaimed that the Lord was alive!”

“How foolish,” said Jesus, “How slow to believe,
For all you have spoken the prophets did see”
He opens the scriptures, he opens their eyes,
To see how the Christ had to suffer and rise.

The journey continues ‘til evening is nigh.
“Oh stranger, now stay with us, say not goodbye”
At table, the Lord, who had once been concealed,
With bread broken, for them, he now is revealed.

Our hearts burn within us, we ask you to stay,
To walk with us and speak, and to bless us this day.
Your body, your blood, in the wine and the bread,
Receiving your gifts, we no longer are dead.

© Thomas E. Chryst, 2005.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I was really blessed by last Sunday's scripture on the Road to Emmaus. I don't know this hymn yet, but I hope to learn it.
