Monday, March 21, 2005

You're kidding, right?


Underwear. It can say "I'm sexy." It can say "I'm confident." But can it say "I'm waiting for marriage?"

That's what Yvette Thomas is banking on. Her growing line of clothing, WaitWear, plasters slogans like "Virginity Lane: Exit When Married" and "Notice: No Trespassing On This Property. My Father Is Watching" on underwear and T-shirts, and is meant to inspire young people to abstain from sex until they tie the knot...

(for the rest of this story follow the link above).


  1. Hey Andrew...

    Thanks for stopping by.
    As to the article, it seems there is quite a debate going now about abstinence. Do a news google on abstinence and STDS and see for yourself.

    But as to the underwear question... I wonder if the "technical virgin" isn't what's driving this. The idea that you can have all other kinds of sex, except actual coitus, and still fulfill the letter of the law.

    A Lutheran understanding of the 6th commandment would certainly not jive with that kind of thinking.

  2. Hello Pastor,
    I was reading my friend Andrew's blog and wanted to give you props on your reply to his post early this week.
    I'm going to agree with Andrew on the fact that most people make the choice to have sex or not by the time it came to buying such an item. I'm a Sr. in College an I know myself and the choices I make and one of the biggest ones in my life is to wait until I'm married to go through such an act. Bob Lenz (great motivational speaker) use to say "sex is great, sex is good...when you are married to that person." "Such an act should have you, your husband or wife, and God involved." Just wanted to say hey and thanks for your posts they are inspirational.
    God Bless and Have a Joyous Easter
