Monday, March 28, 2005

Hymn - "Peace Be With You, Jesus Said"

"Peace be with you! Jesus said,"
Tune: Song 13
(LW # 256 "Yours Forever, God of Love")

Peace be with you! Jesus said,
Risen now, no longer dead,
To the locked room, He came in,
Gave the keys to unlock sin.

Thomas, who had gone away,
Did not see the Lord that day.
Then returning, heard the word,
"Brother, we have seen the Lord!"

"Proof I need, is that so much?
If my hands His wounds could touch -
If my eyes do not perceive,
I will surely not believe."

Jesus came in just a week,
Thomas, now, the Lord would seek,
"Touch my wounds, my scars now see,
Stop your doubting. Trust in me!"

"Blessed Thomas, seeing now,
Trust in me, your faith avow,
But more bless'd are those by faith,
Trusting in me, and my grace."

As we touch You in the meal,
Bearing our baptismal seal,
Peace receiving in your word,
We confess You, God and Lord.

© Thomas E. Chryst, 2005.

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