Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Hymn - "Jesus Came to Jacob's Well"

"Jesus Came to Jacob's Well"
Tune: Liebster Jesu
(LW 226 "Dearest Jesus, We are Here")

Jesus came to Jacob's well
Thirst had brought Him, water seeking
Resting there for just a spell
Still He did not stop from speaking
Though He asked for water from her
He came yet with more to offer

Strange to her that He would speak
He a man from yonder Jew'ry
Why would converse so He seek?
Still His words convicted truly
How He spoke of water living,
Water soon He would be giving.

Jesus knew her, knew her sin
That she was not married rightly
Jesus showed, to her chagrin
God does not take sinning lightly
Yet, now, with her conscience shaken
Thirst for grace He had awakened.

Then the flood of mercy came
To the well upon the mountain
Living water, in His name
He the source, and he the fountain
He the Christ, bestowing favor
He declared himself the Savior.

Lord grant us who also thirst
Living water, welling in us
By your word, a fountain burst
Cleanse, relieve, refresh and fill us
For in our baptismal waters
We are your own sons and daughters

© Thomas E. Chryst, 2005.

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